
VBS Data Drive

VBS Data Drive

CRM Software

This campaign management portal comprises four modules: User Management, Campaign Management, Data, and Activity Log. In the User Management module, there are multiple users, including two administrators. The Campaign Management module enables users to assign campaigns, track monthly completed campaigns, and view details of active, on hold, and delivered campaigns.

The portal effectively manages campaign-related data, such as the number of leads delivered for each campaign, ensuring storage and organization within the system. Additionally, the Activity Log module diligently records and monitors all activities performed within the portal, enabling users and administrators to review and track individual actions. The project was deployed on a Linux-based server using the command line interface (CMD).

  • Language:

    PHP, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery.
  • Database:

    MySQL [SQLyog, PhpMyAdmin]
  • Server:

    Bigrock Server [VPS Linux KVM]
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